Then we had our annual beer tasting.
We were 100 registered, a few canceled due to illness or other obstacles, so the attendance was 96 participants. Nice that so many want to participate.
We got a sour from Amager Bryghus as an aperitif. Was of course received very differently. Probably something to learn to drink through repeated trials.
Smagen Af Øl
Kassøvej 1, i Hjordkær, havde sponsoreret denne øl.
Many thanks to the 5 other brewers for their fantastic beer. Great to taste 12 different beers, so different but really good.
The atmosphere was good and there was talk and fun.
Kim Petersen, Hovslund St., won the lighter category with a fantastic Hovslund Hefeweizen.
Fantastic good wheat beer.
Øster Løgum Bryghus won the slightly stronger category with a DoppelBock.
A full-bodied, malted, beer of 9.2%.
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful evening.